Funding for the Future of the ASADA

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Fundraising for the Future of our ASADA

Fundraising for the Future of our ASADA

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Donation Thermometer

Donation Thermometer

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Donation Submission Form

Donation Submission Form

This page is used for listing the features offered by your company/service. You can add any feature you want or edit the ones that are already listed. You can edit all of this text and replace it with what you want to write.

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Progress Updates

Progress Updates

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Make a donation

Make a donation

This page is used for listing the features offered by your company/service. You can add any feature you want or edit the ones that are already listed. You can edit all of this text and replace it with what you want to write.

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Donor Wall

Donor Wall

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¿Por qué la ASADA necesita donaciones? / Why does the ASADA need donations?

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Termómetro de donación / Donation Thermometer

Termómetro de donación / Donation Thermometer

¿Está intentando decidir si su donación puede marcar una diferencia? La respuesta es un rotundo SÍ... su donación MARCARÁ una gran diferencia y ayudará a que la ASADA se convierta en una entidad de la que pueda estar orgulloso dentro de una comunidad a la que pueda estar orgulloso de pertenecer. ¡Por favor, done AHORA, cada dólar marca la diferencia! ******************************************************************** Trying to decide whether or not your donation might make a difference? The answer is a resounding YES ... your donation WILL make a big difference and help the ASADA to become an entity that you can be proud of within a community that you can be proud to belong to. Please donate NOW, every $ makes a difference!

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Formulario de envío de donaciones / Donation Submission Form

Formulario de envío de donaciones / Donation Submission Form

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Actualizaciones de progreso / Progress Updates

Actualizaciones de progreso / Progress Updates

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Duplica tu donación / Double your Donation

Duplica tu donación / Double your Donation

Por cada dólar recaudado en donaciones, los desarrolladores de Lomas del Mar (David Ogletree y Kendall Sandborn) lo igualarán. Imagínese, $100 se convierten en $200, $1,000 se convierten en $2,000, $5,000 se convierten en $10,000, etc. Este es un momento increíble para donar y realmente hacer una diferencia mayor en la comunidad de Lomas del Mar. No espere... ¡cada dólar cuenta y no podemos hacerlo sin su ayuda! **************************************************************************** For every dollar raised in donations, the Developers of Lomas del Mar (David Ogletree & Kendall Sandborn) will match it. Just imagine, $100 becomes $200, $1,000 becomes $2,000, $5,000 becomes $10,000, etc. This is such an incredible time to donate and really make a bigger difference in the Lomas del Mar Community. Don't wait ... every dollar counts and we can't do it without your help!

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Muro de donantes / Donor Wall

Muro de donantes / Donor Wall

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Donation Amount

Muro de donantes / Donor Wall
¡Gracias a todos los que han contribuido al Futuro de la ASADA!

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the Future of the ASADA!

Donaciones de $5,000 y más Donations of $5,000 and up

Donaciones de $2,500 a $4,999 Donations of $2,500 to $4,999

Derryl & Carma McLaren


Lot 1-21

Doug & Julie Geyer


Lot 1-49

Ben & Bala



Donaciones de $1,000 a $2,499 Donations of $1,000 to $2,499

Rosanne Belanger & Tom Monk


Lot 1-15



Donaciones de $50 a $999 Donations of $50 to $999

